EEG Powered meditation

EEG Powered Meditation & Breathing

Increase calm, better focus, and improved sleep with guided breathing & meditation

We’ve all heard that breathing and meditation are good for us.

But how do you know when you’re doing it right?

While you meditate, the headband uses brain-sensing technology to measure whether your mind is calm.  

It translates your brain waves into sounds that guide you.  This helps teach you how to find calm and stay focused.

When your mind is calm and settled, you hear peaceful weather.

Busy mind? As your focus drifts, you’ll hear stormy weather that cues you to bring your attention back to your breath.

guided meditation & breathing Accelerates Learning

The Technology

Neuroscience researchers around the world use EEG to interpret your mental activity.

EEG measures brain signals much like a heart rate monitor senses your heartbeat.

The Muse headband sensor has seven calibrated sensors to detect and measure the activity of your brain.

It is a research-grade EEG device that passively senses your brain activity. It translates those signals into the guiding sounds of weather, to help you stay calm & focused.

What to expect

Many of the Vive Tech STACKS use the Muse to help you calm your mind and refocus.

You’ll wear one of the Muse EEG headsets for guided meditation & breathing while doing other modalities. 

You simply start the app, put on your headphones, and close your eyes.

After each session, you’ll see how you did through a series of graphs and charts in the Muse meditation app.

This approach to guided meditation & breathing can help you learn how to enjoy the benefits faster.

The Muse app transforms raw brain signals into many different components – noise, oscillations, non-periodic characteristics, and transient and event-related brain events. 

In short, it detects a range of brain electrical activity and transforms it into easily understandable experiences. 

Signal processing and machine learning techniques are applied to the brain signal components to control the experience in real time.

No. Muse does not use electrical stimulation. It’s a PASSIVE tool that gives you accurate, real-time feedback on what’s happening in your brain.

Muse is a research-grade EEG device.  It’s used by neuroscientists, researchers, and health professionals all over the world to help them learn more about brain health and brain function.

Muse’s brain-sensing technology has been widely used for brain research projects in hundreds of hospitals and universities worldwide, including NASA, The Mayo Clinic, UCL, MIT and many more

Learn to calm your mind and focus with app guided meditation & breathing

UPGRADE from 30min to 1 hr session

rediscover how your body can feel at its best this summer

We guarantee you’ll feel the difference in 4 sessions.  

We can say this because we’ve been doing it for decades with the worlds best athletes.

FREE UPGRADE ($120 value)