
Ice Baths for Mindfulness in Athletes?

As experts in sports recovery, we’ve observed the growing popularity of ice baths. While many athletes benefit from proper use, there’s also a lot of hype and misunderstandng of the potential benefits. One area often missed is the potential to use ice baths beyond physical benefits. The mental challenge of enduring cold water can be […]

Recovery Technology To Support Your Body’s Natural Processes

At Vive, we’re grounded in the understanding that the human body is a marvel of biological engineering, inherently equipped with the mechanisms to recover and regenerate. This is a natural, biological process that occurs within our bodies. However, like a well-tuned machine, these processes can sometimes benefit from a little external assistance. Enter Vive’s various […]

Guide to Basic Breathwork Techniques for Recovery and Performance

The Power of Breathwork Breathwork, often overlooked, holds immense potential for enhancing recovery and optimizing performance. Whether you’re an athlete, a busy professional, or simply seeking stress relief, incorporating mindful breathing techniques can transform your well-being. In this guide, we explore three fundamental breathwork techniques and provide step-by-step instructions. Why Breathwork Matters Breathwork, often underestimated, […]

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